Gait training and balance programs
Gait training is a specialized form of physical therapy designed to improve your ability to stand, walk, and move independently. It is often recommended for individuals recovering from illnesses or injuries that impact mobility. By addressing strength, balance, and coordination, gait training can help enhance your mobility and overall quality of life, even if you require an adaptive device.
Benefits of Gait Training :
Gait training offers numerous benefits, including:
Strengthening muscles and joints
Improving balance and posture
Building endurance and physical activity levels
Enhancing muscle memory and retraining repetitive leg motions
Lowering the risk of falls and increasing mobility
Reducing the risk of conditions like heart disease and osteoporosis
Who Can Benefit from Gait Training?
Gait training is beneficial for individuals who have difficulty walking due to:
Spinal cord injuries
Broken legs or pelvis
Joint injuries or replacements
Lower limb amputations
Strokes or neurological disorders
Muscular dystrophy or other musculoskeletal disorders
Our Approach at iMOVE :
At iMOVE, we tailor gait training programs to your specific diagnosis and physical abilities. By focusing on your unique needs, we aim to help you regain independence, improve mobility, and protect your overall health.